+385 (0)52 851 793


   Prilaz Vetva 14  •  Labin 52220

HR  •  EN


Water conservation

Local legislation put into life the act on water conservation and process for obtaining water permit.

Water permit issuance is required for any organisation releasing waste waters i.e.: Key words:
Waste water release, rainfalls, industrial waters, sewage pits, and public municipal network.
Water permit issuance is required for any organisation dealing with: Key words: Extraction, sand, gravel, stone, water regime, production, chemical substances, water.

Indikator prepares the following documents for clients:
  • Waste management plan
  • Oil spill pollution plan
  • Environmental management plan
  • Contingency planes in the case of environmental emergencies
  • Water conservation programmes

Testing & inspection of the construction and engineering systems&elements:
  • Sewer systems, sewer pipes under pressure, sewer construction
  • Water supply pipes under pressure, water supply constructions

All tests are carryied out in accordance with the following standards:
HRN EN 1610, HRN EN 805, HRN EN 1508
Povratna informacija o zadovoljstvu korisnika

Indikator kontinuirano prati izlazne rezultate zadovoljstva korisnika svojih usluga. Da bi iskazali vaša očekivanja molimo da popunite anketni list naznačivši nivo vašeg zadovoljstva.